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Kuis 1 April 2014 Teknik Kompilasi

1. S -> S + A | S – A | A + S | A – S | B * A

B -> aB | B(a*B) | B * a | a(a+B) | b

A -> a

Tentukan First, Follow, dan Table Parsing!


S -> A+SS’ | A – SS’ | B * AS’

S’ -> +AS’ | -AS’ | ε

S = >  AF | B * AS’

S’ -> +AS’ | -AS’ | ε

S’’ -> +SS’ | -SS’

B -> aBB’ | a(a+B)B’ | bB’

B’-> (a+B)B’ | *aB’

B -> aG | bB’

B’ -> (a+B)B’ | *aB’

B’’-> BB’ | (a+B)B’

A -> a

First S -> {a,b}

First S’ -> {+,-, ε}

First S’’ -> {+,-}

First B -> {a,b}

First B’ -> {(,*}

First B’’ -> {a,b,(}

Follow S -> {$,+,-}

Follow S’ -> {$}

Follow B -> {$,a,b,)}

Follow B’ -> {$}

Follow S’’ -> {$,+,-}

Follow B’’ -> {$,a,b,)}

a b + * ( ) $
S S -> AF S -> B*AS’
S’ S->+AS’ S->-AS’ S-> ε
B B->aG B->bB’
B’ B->*aB’ B’->(a
F F->+SS’ F->-SS’
G G->BB’ G->BB’ G->(a+b)B’

2. S -> if E then S | if E then S else S | V:= E

S’->ε | else S

E-> TE’

E’-> TE’ | -TE’ | ε


T’-> FT’|/FT’|ε

F-> V|(E)|const

V-> id V’

V’-> ε|[E]

Tentukan First, Follow, dan Table Parsing!

first(S) = {if, id}

first(S’) = {ε, else}

first(E) = { id, ( , const}

first(E’) = {+, -, ε}

first(T) = {id,(, const}

first(T’) = {*, /,ε }

first(F) = {id,(, const}

first(V) = {id}

first(V’) = {a b c}

follow(S) = {$}

follow(S’) = {$}

follow(E) = { then, $,),]}

follow(E’) = { then, $,),]}

follow(T) = {+, -}

follow(T’) = {+, -}

follow(F) = {*,/ }

follow(V) = {:}

follow(V’) = {:}

if Id else ( const + * / [ $ then ) ] :
S S-> if E then S S’ S->V:=E
S’ S->else S
E E->TE’ E->TE’ E->TE’
E’ E’->TE’ E’->TE’ E’->TE’ E->ε E->ε E->ε
T T->FT’ T->FT’ T->FT’
T’ T’->ε T’->ε T’->*FT’ T’->/FT’
F F->V F->(E) F->const
V V->idV’
V’ V’->[E] V->ε

3. S -> a = A

A -> aA’ | bA’

A’ -> +AA’ | ε

Tentukan First, Follow, dan Table Parsing!


First S = {a}

First A = {a,b}

First A’ = {+, ε }

Follow S = {$}

Follow A = {$,+}

Follow A’ = {$,+}

A b + $
S S -> a=A
A A -> aA’ A -> bA’
A’ A’ -> +AA’ A -> ε

4. Diketahui grammar sbb:

be -> bt be’

be’ -> or bt be’

be’ -> ε

bt -> bf bt’

bt’ -> and bf bt’

bt’ -> ε

bf -> not bf

bf -> (be)

bf -> true

bf -> false

Tentukan input ini diterima atau ditolak!

not(true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true


First (be) -> not,(,true,false

First (be’) -> or, ε

First (bt) -> not,(,true,false

First (bt’) -> and, ε

First (bf) -> not,(,true,flase

Follow (be) -> {$,)}

Follow (be’) -> {$,)}

Follow (bt) -> {or,$,)}

Follow (bt’) -> {or,$,)}

Follow (bf) -> {or,$,), and}

or not ( ) True false and $
be be->bt be’ be->bt be’ be->bt be’ be->bt be’
be’ be’->or bt be’ be’->ε be’-> ε
bt bt->bf bt’ bt-> bf bt’ bt->bf bt’ bt->bf bt’
bt’ bt’->ε bt’->ε bt’->and bf bt’ bt’-> ε
bf bf-> not bf bf->(be) bf->true bf->false






be$ not(true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ be > bt be


bt be’$ not(true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bt -> or bt’


bf bt’ be’$ not(true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bf -> not bf


bf bt’ be’$ not(true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ pop not


bf bt’ be’$ (true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bf -> (be)


bt’ be’$ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ pop (


be) bt’ be’$ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ be -> bt be’


bt be’ ) bt’ be’$ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bt -> bf bt’


bf bt be’ ) bt’ be’$ true or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bf -> true


bt’ be’ ) bt’ be’$ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ pop true


bt’ be’ ) bt’ be’$ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bt’ -> ε


be’ ) bt’ be’$ or false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ be -> or  bt be’


bt be’ ) bt’ be’$ false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ pop or


bt be’ ) bt’ be’$ false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bt -> bf bt’


bf bt’ be’ ) bt’ be’$ false) and true and true and false not (false) true$ bf -> false


false bt’ be’ ) bt’ be’$ ) and true and true and false not (false) true $ pop false


bt’ be’ ) bt’ be’$ ) and true and true and false not (false) true $ be’->ε


be’ ) bt’ be’$ ) and true and true and false not (false) true $ be’->ε


 ) bt’ be’$  and true and true and false not (false) true $ pop )


bt’ be’$  and true and true and false not (false) true $ bt’->and bf br’


and bf  bt’ be’$ true and true and false not (false) true $ pop and


bf  bt’ be’$ true and true and false not (false) true $ bf->true


true  bt’ be’$ and true and false not (false) true $ pop true


bt’ be’$ and true and false not (false) true $ bt’ -> and bf bt’


and bf  bt’ be’$ true and false not (false) true $ pop and


bf  bt’ be’$ true and false not (false) true $ bf -> true


true  bf  bt’ be’$ and false not (false) true $ pop true


bt’ be’$ and false not (false) true $ bt’ -> and bf bt’


and  bf  bt’ be’$ false not (false) true $ pop and


bf  bt’ be’$ false not (false) true $ bf -> false


false  bf  bt’ be’$  not (false) true $ pop false


bt’ be’$  not (false) true $ rejected


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